Comet Nishimura is brightening and moving fast: See it now! | (2024)

Now is the time to pull out your binoculars, telescope, or camera. This brief but bright comet is only visible for another week.

ByAlison Klesman | Published: September 6, 2023| Last updated on September 12, 2023

It’s already been a good year for comets — and it just got astronomically better. A newly discovered comet is poised to wow us in the coming week: Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura). It’s already readily visible and the best views are just days away.

Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura discovered the new comet August 12 near the star Zeta (ζ) Geminorum in Gemini the Twins, according to Seiichi Yoshida’s page on the object. At that time, the comet was already magnitude 10.4 and closing in on the Sun at a distance of just 1 astronomical unit, or AU (1 AU is the average Earth-Sun distance). Nishimura is continuing into the inner solar system on its way toward perihelion, the closest point in its orbit to the Sun. It will reach that point in less than two weeks, on September 17, when it will swing around our star at a distance of just 0.23 AU — some 40 percent closer to the Sun than the planet Mercury.

Along the way, Nishimura is expected to brighten rapidly, potentially reaching magnitude 2. Although that should be an easy naked-eye magnitude, the comet’s low altitude in the Northern Hemisphere means it’s really best seen with binoculars or a telescope. But through those optics, it will dazzle. Keep reading to learn where it is now, when to view it, and what to look for.

How to see Comet Nishimura

Comet Nishimura is now visible in the predawn skies for Northern Hemisphere observers. It’s rising later each morning as it tracks quickly through the stars of Leo the Lion. On September 7, it will rise around 4:20 A.M. local daylight time. By Sunday morning (the 10th), it will rise around 5 A.M. local daylight time. This is because the comet is rapidly approaching the Sun, so it appears to be moving quickly through our sky. By perihelion, it will rise with the Sun and won’t be visible at all (or again) above the equator.

What this means is, now is the time to see it!

Comet Nishimura is brightening and moving fast: See it now! | (2)

Step outside an hour before sunrise tomorrow morning and you’ll see the front half of Leo rising above the eastern horizon. Look for the bright star Regulus (magnitude 1.4), which is just 2° high at that time. (Don’t confuse it for blazingly bright Venus, which is magnitude –4.8 and much higher in the east to Regulus’ far upper right, in Cancer.) Fortunately, Nishimura is a bit higher than Regulus: On the 7th, it is 12° high an hour before sunrise, located 1.7° due east of 3rd-magnitude Epsilon (ϵ) Leonis, the endpoint of the curve that forms the famous Sickle asterism.

But Nishimura is moving fast. It will continue tracking east, “falling” toward the Sun in the predawn sky. It passes less than 3° north of Gamma (γ) Leonis on the 9th and then slips 1.5° south of Delta (δ) Leonis on the 12th. By the 12th, the comet will rise around 5:40 A.M. local daylight time, almost exactly an hour before sunrise. You can try to spot it some 4.5° high 30 minutes before the Sun peeks above the horizon. The comet will be about 15° northeast of (to the left and slightly above) Mercury, which by that time will be magnitude 2.7 and 3° high.

From there, Nishimura will slide just under Denebola, the star marking Leo’s tail, and cross into Virgo on the 15th, which is likely the last day Northern Hemisphere observers will be able to catch it. After that, it will be too close to the Sun for observation.

Comet Nishimura is brightening and moving fast: See it now! | (3)

A bright comet

Comet Nishimura is brightening and moving fast: See it now! | (4)

Although the comet will be dropping lower each morning as the sky grows brighter, there’s an important caveat: Nishimura will be growing brighter as well. Observers are currently reporting on the Comet Observation database (COBS) that Nishimura is 5th magnitude, and it’s predicted to reach magnitude 2 to 3. Stunning astrophotos are already circulating, featuring the comet’s glowing green head and long, thin tail.

Although its diminishing altitude in the brightening morning sky reduces the likelihood of spotting it with the naked eye even at its brightest, Nishimura should remain readily visible in binoculars or any small telescope. It’s also an excellent target for astrophotographers; if you’re interested in how to best photograph the comet, we’ve got advice for photographing comets from highly experienced astrophotographer Damian Peach. (You can send your photos to; we’d love to feature them online or in print!)

While observing Nishimura, always take care to stop viewing through binoculars or a telescope several minutes before the Sun rises from your location — and note the time of exact sunrise will vary by location, so check this information specifically for your observing site.

Comets are unpredictable objects, and Nishimura has never been identified before. It may or may not survive its close trip around the Sun, and it may or may not brighten as expected during that time. There’s always the chance it could outburst and brighten suddenly or even more than expected, as 12P/Pons-Brooks did in July.

If all goes well, Nishimura will swing past the Sun and quickly head back for the outer reaches of the solar system, never to return. Although it came from our Oort Cloud, it’s now a hyperbolic comet, meaning it has enough energy to escape the Sun’s gravity and rocket off into interstellar space. So now is truly your best — and only — time to see it. Get out there!

Comet Nishimura is brightening and moving fast: See it now! | (2024)


What is the brightness of the Nishimura comet? ›

The current visual magnitude of Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) is 20.80. Given its brightness, Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) should be visible only through long exposure photography.

Where is Comet Nishimura right now? ›

Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) is currently in the constellation of Vela, at a distance of 620,962,703 kilometers from Earth.

How fast is Nishimura moving? ›

Nishimura is moving at 240,000 mph, and it won't be back for more than 400 years.

Is the Comet Nishimura going to hit Earth? ›

Green comet Nishimura has passed its closest point to Earth, and it won't be back for another 430 years. The comet Nishimura, which was only discovered in August, will soon be slingshotted around the sun and back out toward the edge of the solar system where it will remain for centuries.

Is Comet Nishimura visible to the human eye? ›

People with small binoculars will easily be able to enjoy the spectacle. But, if conditions allow, the comet may also be visible by the naked eye. The comet's tail is greenish, because it contains more gas than dust, Biver said.

Why is Nishimura comet green? ›

Why is Nishimura green? The comet appears green because its coma, the gas surrounding the nucleus, contains a relatively rare kind of carbon gas called diatomic carbon, which consists of two carbon atoms bound together.

Can you see Nishimura comet at night? ›

After haunting the morning sky through August and during the early part of September, Comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura has moved up into the evening sky. Comet-watchers and stargazers around the world have been heading out after sunset to look for Comet Nishimura low in the west as twilight deepens. José J.

Why can't I see Nishimura? ›

Nishimura's orbit around the sun takes about 435 years. That means that the last time Comet Nishimura flew by Earth was in 1588. And though professional astronomers will be able to see it with telescopes for some time before it disappears, it won't swing back around for the average skywatcher to see until 2458.

What time can I see Comet Nishimura? ›

It will only be possible to see it near sunset or sunrise. During the next few days and after its closest approach to the sun, Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) will remain extremely low on the horizon. Look toward the northeastern horizon about 1 1/2 hours before dawn.

What comet is coming in 2024? ›

April 12, 2024: 'Devil comet' crosses the sky

A large comet commonly called the “devil comet” will make its closest pass by Earth in 70 years.

What time can I see the green comet? ›

C/2022 E3 (ZTF) appears green because the sunlight is interacting with carbon and cyanogen in the comet. The best viewing times are after the moon has set, just past midnight for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the Green comet in 2024? ›

A rare 'Devil comet' will appear during the 2024 total solar eclipse. Here's how to see the Mt. Everest-sized space rock. During the total solar eclipse on April 8, the fiery green "Devil comet" could be visible too.

What is the rare green comet in 2024? ›

The comet, officially known as Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, is made up of mostly ice, rock, gas and dust and will make its way across our skies in coming days. Dr Rebecca Allen from Swinburne's Centre for Astrophysics* said the brilliant green comet would continue to brighten from April 22 for a few nights.

Did I just see a comet? ›

A comet, if visible at all, will be a fuzzy blob, or smear, across the night sky visible for many night to weeks. An asteroid will not be visible to the naked eye.

What was the brightness of Halley's comet? ›

During the 1986 passage of the comet its brightest apparent magnitude was about +2.6, meaning there were about 100 stars that were brighter than the comet. In 2061 however the comet is expected to reach an apparent magnitude of about -0.3, making it the brightest object in the night sky aside from the Moon.

How bright is a comet? ›

Comets are notoriously difficult to predict concerning their brightness, but based on JPL estimates the comet should technically be a naked-eye object (anything brighter than apparent magnitude 6.5).

What is the brightest comet coming? ›

There are due to be a number of interesting and bright comets on view in 2024, namely 62P/Tsuchinshan, 144P/Kushida, C/2021 S3 PanSTARRS, 12P/Pons–Brooks and C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS. A 'bright comet' typically means an object visible through binoculars or a small telescope.

How bright was the Hale Bopp comet? ›

Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) reached peak brightness in March and April 1997 around total visual magnitude -1, which is rare for comets. This refers to the brightness of the comet's coma (or head or atmosphere). C/1995 O1 is not the brightest comet of the 20th century, though only a handful of comets have been brighter.


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