Candida Diet, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free , Chestnut Pancakes Recipe (2024)

Candida Diet, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free , Chestnut Pancakes Recipe (1)

If you follow me on Instagram or even just take a quick look through this blog, you’ll quickly surmise that I must love pancakes. (You’d also surmise that my tablecloth is made of newsprint. . . but that’s another story).

Indeed, I am a huge fan of pancakes. I likely eat them at least once or twice a week. I mean, really, what’s not to love about pancakes? They’re quick. They’re easy to make. And (as the name implies) they are cake-like. Sold!

After the Chestnut Spice Latte was such a huge hit with all of you (thanks for all the shares and comments!), I decided it would be fun to keep on playing with chestnuts (ooh, that sounds rather naughty, doesn’t it?).

First of all, chestnuts are a great anti-candida food (in moderation in Stage 1 or Stage 2 and later). They also are low fat and high fiber, which is great for digestion; their complex carbs allow for more stable blood sugar levels; yet they also contain heart-healthy essential fatty acids. Plus, you probably have a half bag sitting around your fridge after making that latte and you’re looking for a way to use it up, right?

Candida Diet, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free , Chestnut Pancakes Recipe (2)

[In all their naked glory. See how the color looks sort of teff-like?]

For my first attempt to craft a delicious chestnut pancake, I took my favorite grain-free high-protein pancake and adapted it by adding chestnuts. LOTS of chestnuts.

Um. . . FAIL. What I got instead was a dense, thick, flat patty housing a soggy mess inside, like a flowerbed after a rainstorm. (It did have a lovely flavor, mind you. . . but still a soggy mess).

Undeterred, I decided to add some teff to the mix. Not only is teff a high-protein grain, it’s also high in fiber, low in fat, and considered low glycemic. To many people, teff has a mildly nutty, mildly chocolate flavor, too.

Plus, the color of teff matches perfectly with chestnuts.

(Okay, I realize that fact has nothing to do with whether or not these pancakes actually taste good. But there are two kinds of people in the world: those with coordinated wardrobes, and those with complementary wardrobes. The Coordinated group chooses clothing with colors that match perfectly, like brown corduroy pants paired with a rust-and-brown sweater (the same shade of brown as the pants), for instance. Complimentary folks sport different colors that nevertheless look fetching side-by-side: navy slacks with a maroon sweater and white turtle neck, say. Needless to say, I’m Coordinated. If I could, I’d wear an ensemble made of chestnuts and teff together).

I don’t know if it was the matching teff-chestnut palette or what, but second time was the charm! The pancakes were fluffy, light, and delicately flavored with that characteristic nutty, toasty, slightly sweet presence of chestnuts. They worked perfectly with a slathering of nut butter, some leftover cranberry sauce, or even all-fruit jam. Leftovers freeze beautifully and can be easily re-heated for another stellar breakfast down the road.

So, I guess I’m officially in love with chestnuts now, too. (But shh, don’t tell pancakes. Besides, they’ll always be my first love).

Candida Diet, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free , Chestnut Pancakes Recipe (3)

Chestnut Pancakes

These gluten-free and vegan pancakes are quick and easy, and a great way to celebrate the season with chestnuts. Freeze any leftovers; they can be popped, frozen, in the toaster to heat up later.

3.5 ounces (100 g) pre-roasted, vacuum packed chestnuts (like these)

1 cup (165 g) teff flour

2 Tbsp (30 ml) potato starch

1 Tbsp (15 ml) whole chia seeds (see note)

1 Tbsp (15 ml) whole psyllium husks

1 tsp (5 ml) baking powder

1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) baking soda

1/8 tsp (.5 ml) fine sea salt, or to your taste

2 Tbsp (30 ml) pure vanilla extract

1 tsp (5 ml) apple cider vinegar

20-30 drops pure plain or vanilla liquid stevia, or 1/4 tsp (1 ml) or NuStevia Simple Syrup

1-1/2 cups (300 ml) unsweetened plain or vanilla almond or other alternative milk, or more if necessary

Place all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until perfectly smooth. Allow to sit undisturbed 5 minutes (it will thicken up as it sits).

Coat a nonstick frypan with coconut oil or nonstick spray and heat over medium heat. Using a large ice cream scoop or 1/3 cup (80 ml) measuring cup, drop the batter onto the pan and gently spread to about 1/2 inch (1 cm) thickness. Cook 4-5 minutes on one side, until the tops are almost completely dry and the pancakes have begun to puff. Flip and cook another 2-3 minutes. Serve. Makes 6-8 medium pancakes. May be frozen.

Suitable for: ACD All Stage 2 and beyond, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, egg free, soy-free, yeast-free, vegan, low glycemic.

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[Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links. If you buy using these links, at no cost to you, I will earn a small percentage of the sale.]

Candida Diet, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Sugar-free , Chestnut Pancakes Recipe (2024)


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